“Atlantic Georgia” is a subsidiary of the French international group “Groupe Atlantic,” which specializes in the production of electric water heaters. The company started its activity in the Kutaisi Free Industrial Zone in Georgia in 2017.
Since its founding in 1968 by Paul Radat and Pierre Lamoure, the impressive development of Groupe Atlantic has been due to its strong, pragmatic, and responsible industrial culture. These qualities, along with an open-minded attitude, spirit of innovation, and constant striving for collective efficiency, have helped make Groupe Atlantic an international leader in the use of the latest technologies in the gas sector, as well as in renewable energies and the efficient use of electrical solutions.
Groupe Atlantic aims to take thermal comfort into the future and make low-carbon solutions as widely available and affordable as possible. This determination will help improve the well-being, health, and hygiene of countless thousands of people around the world.
To maintain its agility and develop a relevant offer for each of its markets, Groupe Atlantic is organized into divisions. Such specialization allows the company to benefit from the greatest expertise in each of its skill areas.
Company ensures a dynamic balance across all of its services: human harmony, business reputation, energy mix, geographic expansion, social cohesion, balance sheet buoyancy, and risk management.
Since 1968, as true entrepreneurs, Groupe Atlantic brings passion into work, along with a sense of responsibility and profitability, to fulfill its mission in a more successful and sustainable way: “To transform prevailing energies into lasting well-being.”
Groupe Atlantic aims to provide its customers with the best advice and practical assistance at every stage of the relationship. The company guides them through rapidly changing markets with an assortment of tailor-made services, from advising on the best solution and providing training, all the way through to expert installation and maintenance of its solutions.